상승 증후군

상승증후군 문제와 대처법

빛몸 2019. 4. 22. 08:57


대천사 라파엘의 건강 어드바이스와 인류의 신체변화

AA Raphael - talking about health and changes to our bodies


, 가족들이여,

내가 대천사 라파엘과 두시간의 담화를 가졌는데요 솔직히 내게 강한 경고가 들어있기에 크게 놀랍니다. 내 아내는 직접 도움을 청하기도 하는데요 놀라운 이야기가 담겨있으니 귀를 기울이세요.


(대천사 라파엘이 말합니다)

지금부터 말하는 것은 상승 증후군 Ascension Syndrome 이란 특별한 조건이 증가하는 현상에 관한 것입니다. 이는 마치 어린이 시절에 뼈가 성장함에 따라 그들이 성장통을 겪는 일에 비교됩니다. 이 시기처럼 상승으로 이동이 급하게 벌어질 때 당신들은 육체 또한 급하게 필요한 변화를 겪는 것입니다.


이런 현상은 어린이의 정수리부분이 말랑말랑한 부위가 더 벌어지고 어지럽고 짜증이 나며 머리뼈 부위가 통증이 오고 심장박동이 불규칙해지거나 맥박이 빨라지는 현상을 동반합니다. 그런데 이런 상황을 아는 이들은 하나의 성장통으로 수용합니다만 알지 못하는 이는 두려워하고 병원 의사에게 달려가 아픔과 이상증세를 호소하는 것이지요. 그러나 거기에는 해답이 없습니다.


병원의사들은 맥박이 빨라짐은 심장 이상의 전조라고 말할 것이며 다른 심각한 병증이 초래되는 위험에 놓여있다고 경고할 것입니다. 그런 말에는 진실이 없는 것이죠.


대부분의 당신들은 육체적 적응만이 아니라 영적 에테르체의 적절한 교정이 수반되야 합니다. 양자가 모두 높은 에너지환경에 적응되어야 하기에 우리는 여러분이 잠을 자거나 명상의 상태에 있을 때 몸을 조정해나갑니다. 여러분은 몸에 이상증세가 느껴질 때 우리 지원 팀, 수호천사에게 병증을 치유해달라고 요청하기 바랍니다. 우리는 수많은 중도자 팀과 천상의 팀으로서 당신들을 기꺼이 도와주려 애쓰고 있습니다.


여기에 여러분을 위한 어드바이스가 있습니다.


첫째, 육류를 섭취하지 마세요. 육류를 이용한 음식도 금물입니다. 이는 동물학대의 문제만이 아니고 더 깊은 이유가 있는데 여러분 몸의 운행을 돕는 기 Chi 가 동물이 급작히 사망하면서 고기에 배어들어간 기가 여러분의 생명력에 치명적인 독극물로 변환되어서 여러분에게 흡수되기 때문입니다. 기로 인한 독성은 여러분의 육체가 영혼과 분리되도록 영향을 가합니다. 그것은 즉시 발현되어서 여러분의 오라가 잠식되는 그림자처럼 작용하지요.


둘째, 알코올이 문제입니다. 알코올이 흡수되면 육체는 흥분하기 시작하고 그 자체가 정신작용을 하면서 인간의 영적 분자에 잠식됩니다. 알코올은 인간의 저항 기제를 뚫고서 혈액-뇌세포-방어막에 침투하고 그 결과 인간의 영혼을 알코올이 대체하는 현상이 발생합니다. 이런 일은 그 사람의 건강을 점차 침식합니다.


셋째, 처방약이 문제입니다. 이것도 알코올처럼 인체의 신성한 에너지 흐름을 방해하고 대체해 들어옵니다. 처방약이 인체에 흡수되면 신성한 에너지 채널이 막혀버리고 따라서 에너지 흐름의 미세한 기공들이 막히는 것입니다. 이렇게 되면 인체의 아스트랄체가 받아야하는 신성한 에너지는 막히고 그것을 약품의 화학 전달체가 대체하는 것입니다.


넷째는 사람의 정신적 불능상태에 관한 것인데 이전의 알코올이나 약품의 대체작용은 육체에 가해지는 것인 반면에 정신적 장애는 자기의 의식을 닫고 왜곡된 이미지로 오도하는 영향을 끼칩니다.


이상과 같은 문제는 이전의 의학 사고체계로는 해결될수가 없는 것입니다. 그러니 부디 신성한 현실을 자각해서 새로운 패러다임으로 적응해야하는 것이지요. (이하 생략)



AA Raphael - talking about health and changes to our bodies


Dear family,
I had a 2 hour session with AA Raphael this morning. I was quite surprised as it came out of the blue for me, but got explained later, when my wife, who is in the USA with her family right now, told me that she asked Raphael last night to help her with some health related questions she had, and if she'd be not able to receive, if he could please talk to me instead. I guess he could and he did.
It is not a Christmas message, but kind of a medical update about what's happening to our bodies these days. This was to be shared, so here is what he said:

This is Archangel Raphael speaking.
I am here to talk about the increase of certain conditions, which we could call "The Ascension Syndrome", and which are about to go full speed. These [syndromes] are comparable to the pain called "growth-pain", experienced by some teenagers at the time when their bones are about to reach their full size.

With ascension shifting into a higher gear, you also will experience the necessary changes of your physical structures in a higher speed than you were used to. Not many of you were aware over the years, about your body's preparation for ascension in general, and the lift-off for evacuation in particular. Some have described expanding fontanelles and the like, accompanied by dizziness, irritation and pain of their head bones, and heart-irregularities, mostly perceived as a faster rate of your heart-beat.

Those in the knowing, embrace those conditions for what they are - growing pain. Those in the unknown, usually tend to be afraid, if they consult a physician to confirm those conditions, and who will most likely receive an explanation, based on the old paradigm knowledge about health. Now, this picture does not offer the greatest outlook for those concerned, as, for example, a more rapid heart-beat is an indicator for either an increased risk of a heart-attack, or for an increased risk of other fatal sicknesses.

Nothing could be further from the truth. Most of you need certain corrections in your etheric constellations as well as your physical bodies, to be able to be lifted, if that case becomes necessary.

Changes in your physical DNA are not a necessity for the successful use of the elevator-beams, but as we work on you and your bodies at nights or during meditation and rest times, and as we handle everything in a holistic way, we use our presence at the time, for fixing minor scratches on your physical surface as well.

We usually do not treat physical conditions, as we need only to balance your etheric bodies, which will ultimately manifest on the physical planes. But since time speed up and became of the essence, we combine the necessary tasks to offer the ones asking, their fair chance to reach the physical benchmarks desired for this time at hand.

Start to tell your brothers and sisters about me and my staff, as one has to ask to be prompted an answer. This is important: You have to ask. Do not shy away. Do not put yourselves lower, and throw away, with that, your ability to be of help. You have to be fixed first, so you can be in your highest possible condition, to face the dire destinies of those not prepared. This is how we prepare them, we prepare you so you can stay in your powers to help them.

Here is a list of recommendations:

First: restrain from eating meat and products involving meat. There is a deeper reason than the obvious animal cruelty to that, which has to do with the Chi.
When there is a violent death, the Chi sustaining the living body, transforms immediately into fatal toxins, separating your life-force from the physical image of your soul [if ingested]. This has an immediate impact, visible as shadows overtaking your aura.

Second: Alcohol. We recommend to avoid alcohol altogether, and that includes products with added sugar, which can produce alcohol as it might be stored in your bodies and start to ferment. Alcohol, as they call it a "spirit", has the ability due to it's etheric atoms and molecules to enter the blood-brain-barrier without being detected by your body's own preventing mechanisms. Following this, will replace real spirit with the essence of alcohol, to the effect of gradual losing one's sanity.
Third: Further notice has to be given to people using prescription drugs. We are reaching a time, were all of you, using prescription drugs should consider getting off those on a day to day base. We cannot go into all the remedies and side effects of your modern time medicine, but we need to advise you, that they have a great potential to counteract divine energy-work, in their pursuit to shut down the very channels and close the pores necessary to be in-circuited. After they placed themselves on key positions inside your physical body, they are sending out chemical messengers to your astral bodies, damaging the accessibility of the divine.

Our fourth recommendation touches the aspect of your own created mental disabilities. As the three earlier topics lead your attention to outside products having a not desired influence for you and your body, I will now speak of self inflicted inner damages you can do to harm yourselves.

You have heard it from several messages now, and it is true, the old paradigm ceased to exist, and the new one is fully operable and set in motion.

As this is not necessarily clearly detectable on the plane you are inhabiting at this time, it seems to many that the reign of the old paradigm is still nevertheless active. But it is only as active as you use those thought patterns and behavior patterns, defined by the old paradigm. We say it again - Think new - Think pure - Think right - if you think at all. Best is to chose to let go and flow with the energy pouring in from the universe and pouring out from you.

Visualize yourself as being one with the Father. This is by now the only way there is to define this precious future, as not many of you have been gifted to see. And even if you saw, remember, you are a human, you are making mistakes. So visualize yourselves as being one with the Father, as for then, His mercy, love and responsibility will embed you and help you to help yourself, to be able to help the Father helping His children.

My friends, this, your inner poisoning by your own thoughts and emotions, is hurting us the most, as we have no means to interfere positively on this level. This is likely also the hardest of the habits to change, since it is so subtle, non-physical and morally justified over centuries. Make this an equal step, which needs to be followed up.

Now, when you get up in the morning, rinse your mouth with warm water as your first act. Do not swallow it, just gurgle and spit it out, rinse your mouth and you are good to go. Over night, most of you get worked on heavy detoxing on all levels. All those loosened toxins travel from the outer bodies into your physical body over the course of those sleeping hours, and collect themselves in your saliva.

Most people drink something when they get up, and with that, they are taking those concentrated toxins right back in. This is heavy and dark concentrated Chi, which is not supposed to be in your body anymore, and if you rinse your mouth as described above, you will easily get rid of a good amount each night.

Eat as much raw fruits and raw vegetables as you can to replenish your astral bodies, as those carry the most lively Chi. Best would be if you can eat them right of the tree or the field, as the chain would be the most uninterrupted. Chi has to be seen as a food itself, it goes bad, it expires, if the umbilical cord to it's natural appearance is cut off. The longer it is cut off, the more the good Chi evaporates, as it needs to find an alive host to fulfill it's very purpose of being.

Some of you might grow in hight as well, as gravity is slowly lifted to accommodate your change in dimension. These symptoms might also be accompanied by growth pain and other freaky appearances of unknown source. Be in the knowing now, my friends. Be in the knowing, that I, Raphael, and my staff as well as many Midwayers are constantly surrounding you to help you to reshape. This is a basic assumption for ascension and possible evacuation, so it has to be done in preparation. And since time is running short, it has to be done now.

This is not meant to be a warning, quite the opposite, this is meant to be an explanation for some of your physical experiences, which, if not explained properly, tend to become a source of fear in the human psyche, and fear is never desired by us.

Try to heed these words as much as you are able to. Try to be an example for those in the unknown, so you may help us in our task, and do not lose your positive outlook, as it is positive indeed.

Discipline your mind and your emotions to be a rock in the surge. This is not the storm yet, but the dark clouds have clearly formed a front on the horizon soon to be faced, so use these last calm days for the sake of your health - and if you do not want to do it for your health, do it for the Father, as He loves you to ascend.

This is Archangel Raphael, sky-doc + team. Always at your service in the Light and Love of God.
Thank you for your attention.



출처 : http://blog.daum.net/petercskim/7860854


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